Kids Travel Company, often known as KTC is a phrase most HMSers dread hearing. In my program we have to do a certain amount of ministry every semester and each ministry event is assigned by the powers that be, this semester I got stuck with three whole days of KTC.
Watch your thoughts; they eventually become your words. Watch your words; they eventually become your actions. Watch your actions; they eventually become your habits. Watch your habits; they eventually become your character. Watch your character; it eventually becomes your destiny. -- Adam Barnett, my lovely friend

In making my new year's resolution this year I chose something practical and attainable. I decided that I would not drink any drinks this year besides water or tea (unless something is forced upon me in Asia).
I long for a time with no obligations looming. A time where I can finally read those books I bought long ago that are now collecting dust on my shelf. I want to spend my time with my nose in a book or listening to soft jazz in my car. I want to lay beside the water and have nothing better to do than listen to the waves.
to follow the trend of a "year in review." A little late, I know. I am going to make this short.