I will never forget the way you loved others. I will never forget when you tutored intercity kids in Jackson, when you brought me to your church and it was the first time I had the cardboardish communion bread, when you would make me bagels with cream cheese and orange juice for breakfast. I will never forget thanksgivings in your kitchen, your beautiful southern accent, your stories, your laugh.
I will treasure the times we spent looking through old photos in your living room, sitting around the table drinking tea and telling stories about the old days, cousins, neighborhood kids, cats and dogs, Laurel and Braxton.
You will always be such an inspiration to me. The way you loved Jesus. The way you loved others more than yourself, and the way you advocated for what was right and just in the world.
So heres to the woman who I will never forget, who I will think about daily and never cease to love.
Rest in peace my lovely, my Grammie.
Doris Barwick

this is beautiful my twin. you are amazing, just like your Grammie.