I had a dream I was back. Back home. In Haiti.
The Hope House kids had written a song for me and when they sang it I cried. Roseberline told me that since I had left she had been in darkness but now that I had returned I was in the light (as if any six year old would say that, especially an extremely sassy one).
Miseline was there too. And Stevenson. And all of them. Micherline gave me a hug but told me she still hated me, but even that I loved.
I remember hating myself because I didn’t know all of their names anymore. I was overcome with guilt and hate for myself because I didn’t know my own family’s names.
I had forgotten how to speak Creole and I was ashamed.
I remember crying a lot, because they had been waiting for me.
I remember asking Brad to think about hiring me.
But in the end, I was home. Sitting on a bench outside the Hope House, waiting for the Friday night movie to start surrounded by the brothers and sisters I have always prayed for.
Despite all the advice I receive about being a hundred percent where you are… I think part of me is still there. Still walking into that kitchen ready to teach class. Or lying on the floor in the girls’ dorm letting the tiles cool my skin while we do hair and read books.
Clearly my sub conscious is more torn up about not being there, with them, than I have let myself be.

If you would like to support my trip to Asia I would really really be grateful. We have a payment coming up at the end of November for a thousand dollars. If you would like me to send you a real letter just comment with your name and address.
As many of you know I recently got back from a two-month trip to Haiti. To no surprise God changed my life in a radical way using many of His people that I met along the way. Also while I was in Haiti I decided to re-direct my path to better fit my passions. I decided to leave Sarah Lawrence and pursue missions.
I am currently attending a one-year missions program at Vanguard College in Alberta, Canada. In the spring semester I will have the opportunity to travel to South East Asia with my fellow mission students at Vanguard. We will be going to China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Cambodia, and the Philippines. We will be gone the majority of March and April 2011. While there we will take part in teaching English, helping with humanitarian aid, after school activities, church services in Hong Kong, and we will have the opportunity to work with some orphanages.
To make this trip happen and be a success your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Two main ways you can help are through prayer and financial support. We will be in need of much prayer because China is a nation where it is dangerous to speak about God on the streets. I also ask for prayer over the safety of our team and for God to use us to truly as His hands and feet.
There are also many financial needs that the trip calls for. The fee for the whole trip is $3,500. That includes airfare, accommodations, meals, and ministry expenses. As a student this money does not come to me easily and assistance in both prayer and financial aid would be greatly appreciated and considered and huge blessing. If you choose to support me financially checks can be made out to Vanguard College and must have my name on the check memo.
I ask that you would take part in this next step in my life with prayer or financial aid. I know that God will provide the means for me to embark on this life-changing trip.
Thank you for partnering with me in this next step in my life. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at abby.barwick@yahoo.com. Thank you so much for you involvement in my life. You are greatly appreciated.
This weekend we went away. One of my classes had a retreat that consisted of driving way out into the country and just spending quality time with people.
the reason I keep forgetting to break out my Diana is the lack of beautiful architecture that this city has to offer. I find myself longing to photograph everyday life back in New York City or the iron crafted balconies of New Orleans. I guess I will have to make due, to find the beauty where it is hard to see. Maybe I can find it in the faces of people.