As many of you know I traveled the long road home last weekend to attend one of my best friend's weddings!
It was SO great and so much fun to see my friends and family.
I was supposed to be flying back Sunday morning but my flight got cancelled so I got some quality time in with my parents. We went to see the new Harry Potter (so good)!
It was so great to be home and I already miss it so much BUT I am having fun here too. I am embracing the -30C weather and the sensation of my nose hairs freezing the second I walk outside.
Today when walking to school I had my scarf up around my face and when I got in the school I realized that my breath had frozen onto my scarf. The weather is unlike anything I have ever experienced... and it only gets worse.
The bridesmaids outside in strapless dresses. You Canadians cannot believe this right now.

Congrats Ava. I love you so much.