Tonight Alex, Elizabeth, Katie and I went to get sushi and saw Little Shop of Horrors at lyric!

It was an excellent time with good friends.


I haven't really been doing anything that exciting recently except watching excellent movies. But since I filled the blog up with movie recommendations I thought it would be a little obsessive to continue.

Congratulations to my two best friends in the whole world on bid day. Emma is a Tri Delt and Jacki is a Chi O. I know God will use you both to change the campus of OU. Sometimes I wish I was going to be a part of that.

Eight days left.


  1. Oh! Thanks bestie, you reassured me in my time of stress! You're still encouraging me!
    P.S. You'll be a part of it because you'll be all decked out in the very fashion forward greek shirts;)
    P.S.2 You'll always be my sister first

  2. I'm totally keeping up with you thanks to this, but I felt creepy not telling you that. Somehow, seeing you mention me makes me feel like I'm getting a celebrity shout out. That is all. I love you and miss you very much!


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