God is so good. He is rocking my world right now. Changing my paths and opening my eyes.

I am having so much fun here in Haiti with all the interns and the Haitian people.

I don't even know how to tell you about my last couple days because I have been so rocked by the Lord's spirit that I cannot even put it into words.

On a trivial note-- Canada day was today. Needless to say I dressed up in a Canada T-Shirt complete with pin courtesy of Brianna (fellow intern from Canada). We just had really good Canada cake that consisted of red velvet and maple leaf shaped icing designage. As a result of this day and how much pride the Canadians here show in their country the Americans are gearing up for the fourth of July complete with glittery red and blue stars that I just sorted. I have never been one for patriotism but somehow being in Haiti with all these crazy Canadians makes me want to rep the U.S. (for lack of a better term...)

Fourth of July has always been a favorite holiday of mine though, despite my frustration with American politics or our country's general reputation with the rest of the world. This year I am going to miss cooking out, fire works at Reeves, dressing up in red, white and blue, shooting off fireworks in P. Valley with friends, and celebrating the lives of Emma and Jacki-- seeing as... four or five years ago on the fourth we almost lost our lives. Hard to believe it has been that long. God is good and continues to surprise me.

Intern night tonight. I am leading. Tomorrow is my morning off-- I am psyched.

One Comment

  1. Abby! in case you didn't hear Reeves got cancelled because it rained almost all day! I love you and it wasn't the same without you! but I'm glad you are having an amazing and spirited fourth! God is SOOO GREAT! LOVE you


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