Today I finished the book “Eat, Pray, Love”. Overall it was a great book and I am so excited to see the movie.

Nearing the end of the novel there is a section about how Liz (the author of the story) meets this woman in Bali with a daughter and no home. They have been moving around a lot and all they want is a real place to call their own. The little daughter finds a piece of tile on the street that is bright blue and she keeps it with her always—always praying for a house with a kitchen with that same beautiful blue tile.

Liz decides to get her friends together to raise money to build this family a house. When she tells the woman that she has 18,000 American dollars to build her a house the woman at first is in total shock and then feels the greatest happiness and thankfulness. When she tells her child that they finally have a house the little girl is overjoyed.

Reading this, I began to cry.

Every child deserves a beautiful house, a place to call their own. Jesus speaks about how little children are the closest thing to His heart and how their faith should be an example to all. It just breaks my heart into a thousand pieces to know that not all children have a house or a bed or even a place they feel safe.

I think of my kids at the Hope House—some of the luckiest orphans in Haiti, in all the world for that matter, to have a place like Mission of Hope to raise them and to have people like the mommies to teach them things about Jesus.

But there are tons like them who have not been so fortunate.

This is when I realize that all I can do is pray. Pray for the lost, broken, and hurting people of this world. For the little children, the ones that Jesus holds so close to Him. And now I realize that they all do have beautiful homes with the Lord. They will never be alone or have no place to go because God is holding all of us and we are all welcome in His house. We can even call it our own.

With the Lord we are never without house or home and I cannot wait for the day when we are all there together.

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