End o' school update:

HMS final was today. It went really well, I am so so thankful it is over. It was 6 hours straight of being tested on the dances and dramas we learned for ministry.

We ended the school day by getting our team splits for Asia. I am going to Thailand and Philippines for the first two weeks and we get our other splits later! This means no India. With that said I know I am right where God wants me. I cannot lie that I was a bit disappointed but I know there is a reason I am not going now and I am going to the other places instead. God definitely knows what he is doing.

Tonight is the big SWD (school of world discipleship) Christmas party. Tomorrow I board a plane and return home. I was so over joyed to leave until today. Now I just feel a bit confused... because I really love it here too.

Merry Christmas.

One Comment

  1. You know I have a smile big enough you may be able to see it from Oklahoma If you look close enough haha.
    Brock Wright


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