InVision is an open house that Vanguard holds to entice prospective students for the coming year. We do all kinds of fun activities. One of the things for the missions program involves the girls who live upstairs making chicken's feet and smelling up our apartment and cheesing us off. We are hosting a few girls at our house over the weekend. This is a conversation that happened between Marissa (upstairs neighbor) and I:

Me: We have to do something really REALLY fun with the girls!
Marissa: Well... I have chips?
Me: YES! Ultimate fun.

Lawns and I really want to play Call of Duty (or as the cool kids call it, COD), but alas we are stuck entertaining the generation of Twilight and silly bands.

One Comment

  1. Please understand that the chicken feet were not my idea. And second, I like chips ok? and seeing that we have no car or anything to do in this sketchy neighborhood, I think that the gummy bear, chip, and water party sufficed! haha. :)


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