The other night Ashley, Abby Leonard, and I had a major encounter with God. 
We prayed until 3:30 in the morning.
We prayed for each other and healing in this dry period of our lives. 
We prayed to be confident that God can do anything.
I have realized lately that so often I say "God can do anything"
and yet, I don't really believe it.
We prayed to expect God to be good 100% of the time when we pray. 

Expect miracles. 

We ended the night praying for the Church.
We prayed for the Church to live into the model that Jesus gives to us.
We prayed for walls of denominations to be broken down.

Let the people realize we are all working for one purpose.

I personally believe that Jesus would be disappointed to come
to earth and see how we legalize everything and how His people
separate because of denominations. 

We are to be one body. 
Working for one purpose. 

We prayed over the City Rescue Mission.
We prayed for every tribe, tongue, and nation to hear the truth. 

Let us do our jobs and not get comfortable. 

God breathed life back into us.
We confessed to our sins and were unguarded with each other.
He remade us. Renewed us. 

The next morning when we went to church the pastor 
spoke some of the exact words that we had said the 
night before. God is so real and so affirming. 

"Beholding your beauty is all I long for
To worship You Jesus with my soul's desire
For this very heart you've shaped for your pleasure
The purpose to lift your name high

Hear and surrender in pure adoration
I enter your courts with an offering of praise
I am Your servant come to bring you glory
As is fit for the work of your hands

Now unto the lamb who sits on the throne
Be glory and honor and praise
All of creation resounds with the song
Worship and praise him the Lord of Lords

The spirit now living and dwelling within me
Keep my eyes fixed ever upon Jesus' face
Let not the things of this world ever sway me
I'll run 'till I finish the race"

One Comment

  1. I LOVE this song. When you posted that line as your status the other day, I could NOT remember what song it was and it was bugging me haha. love it


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