This summer my best friend has been teaching me about the idea of
 "hitting your wall." 
I find myself guilty of relying on my own human strength or ability. 
Thinking that I can do things on my own.
If we all examine our lives we find that many of us are guilty of 
unknowingly relying on ourselves and only running to God when 
things go wrong or when we are in need. 

Hitting your wall is coming to the end of yourself. 
Learning that what you have is never enough.
Knowing that God is all the ability and strength we have. 

This is so much easier said than done. 

At the camp my best friend worked at this summer they pushed the staff so hard,
in every way, so that eventually they would give up and have to rely on God. 

Everyday we get up and go about our daily lives--
even if we are in the Word often most of us 
don't even notice that we are not relying on God. 
We are not pushing ourselves enough to even realize that we 
need Him. 

All in all I don't really know how to write this challenge sufficiently,
but I will end with a personal story.

Recently, I have started running. 
This is a big deal because I HATE running more than most. 
I have never been able to run far... maybe just around the block. 
I went running for the first time in a long time and I told myself that I would run 
from the gate of my backyard, a mile, and keep running until I touched the gate again. 

I started out jammin' to my iPod which created a nice distraction from running. 
About halfway through my music stopped.
I knew it was not the song that had a gap of silence at 
the end because I frequented this playlist. 
I just felt God saying "you have hit your wall, rely on me to get you through
this brutal run-- no music-- just me."

Right when my hands touched the gate of my 
backyard the next song began to play.
 Now whether you want to believe that this was a malfunction of technology 
or something more is up to you. 
But all in all it gave me a chance to hit my wall and have nothing
else in me that could keep on going. 

It forced me to rely on God to get me through. 

Obviously this run was only hitting my physical wall. 
God desires for us to rely on Him in every area of our lives. 

I heard it said recently that 95% of what we have in life was given to us--
things like our family and where we were born-- 
so why do we insist on thinking we 
can do everything on our own?

I challenge you to push yourself and hit your wall 
so you can rely on God for so much more.
I will try and do the same. 

One Comment

  1. This is so true Abby. Thank you for sharing, challenging and encouraging!


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