When taking off or landing in a plane I love to look down on the ground below me. The colors of the land change everywhere you go. Oklahoma is mostly tones of brown, I recently realized, when I saw this, how beautiful I think tones of brown are. I love seeing countless baseball fields when I am taking off or landing in the United States. That is when I know I am home. Oh baseball fields, how glorious you are… how I miss spending summer nights with you already.

I cannot believe how quickly summer came and went. I am told that with age life passes faster, that if you are not careful you will close your eyes and when you open them again immense amounts of time will have passed. At twenty years of age I feel the reality of this statement weighing on me already.

God help me take life slowly but never fear. 
Help me relish the summer sun and never stop 
going to the places where I spent my childhood. 

I hope everyone had a great summer, I know I did. 

One Comment

  1. At night on a clear evening America is lit up with little quadrangles of light--the fields are open for play! Unless, of course, it is too durned hot. The Angel of the Lord said, "Do not fear." he did not say, Do not be cautious and sensible and check your back! Love, Dad


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