We were in the fort...
Andrew, Marissa, and I. 
We began to go here and here.

...and then our imaginations began to soar. 
we are in a hut over seas.
it is raining, thundering, and wind chiming.
a storm. 

we are nestled in the safety of our shelter. 
in the morning we hear
birds, bon-fires, and andrew playing the drums. 

it is hot and humid because we are in a tropical 
place and it rained all night. 

the rain starts again. 
the birds stop chirping and retreat. 

night comes again and with it crickets 
chirping, rain falling, and thunder crashing. 

still we are safe. 

As we talk this scenario out I realize how special all of our hearts
are. The fact that most of us would say we rather be in a hut
in some third world country than anywhere else... 
God is so amazing. He creates us for our callings. 
He creates people who desire to have nothing just for a chance to spread
His message. I am truly thankful God has
called me to this life. 

A life of having nothing that the world holds as dear so 
I may better win people for Him. 

One Comment

  1. LOVE! This is so true, its almost funny how perfectly we fit with our callings :)I love and miss you to death!


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