Today I depart for Africa! 

I cannot believe how quickly these summer months have flown by. 
And now I am boarding a plane to visit one of my favorite continents!

We will be serving in Malawi and Uganda. 
In Uganda we are mostly working with kids while 
in Malawi we are going to be out in the streets just hanging 
out with everyone and trying to spread the LOVE of Jesus. 

Please pray for: 

Our team to be in tune with God and His Spirit and willing to do
things out of our comfort zones if He calls us to do so. 

Great attitudes and a gelled team that gets along great. 

Our hearts to be changed as we strive to love those all around us.

Us to be a light. A real light. And break down stereotypes as we go
living our lives as a picture of the RADICAL GOSPEL that Jesus 


Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. 

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