Thanksgiving has long passed so now that Halloween is over it is officially 
CHRISTMAS season in Canada! 

Apparently the weather man got the memo and sent us some blizzard-y fun. 

Yesterday, a bunch of my fellow students and I went out on an urban adventure that I planned for us. The goal was to experience downtown Edmonton and build relationships with the homeless community. We spent all day hanging out with people and having amazing adventures in the blizzard. 
At night I got the amazing opportunity to work intake for a women's shelter. I met so many amazing women with crazy stories. It was such a wonderful day seeing God's heart for justice before my eyes, even through the falling snow. 

(for every picture you upload here, there will be a meal donated to my friends downtown at the Hope Mission! It takes no time at all and you are actually putting a hot meal into someone's cold hands. Please take five seconds and do this!)

*some pictures from today around my neighborhood 

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