It is time to describe the infamous bus trip across Canada. I have officially been to ALL provinces west of Quebec. I need to go to Quebec. And out East-- I hear it is pretty much the promise land with its Irish-like landscape. 

The bus trip overall was a good one time experience... ONE TIME. And probably never again. I saw the beautiful scenery of Ontario, trees and hills, and then I saw how terrible the prairie (Manitoba and Saskatchewan) of Canada really is-- endless nothing. 

Three cramped nights in bus seats and two days of looking out the window. At least I got The Great Gatsby read in time for the movie to come out. We stopped a lot, people smoked and came on the bus reaking of smoke. We stopped at 1 AM and had to unload the bus for them to fill up, in turn disrupting whatever sleep we got.  

Perhaps the only redeeming qualities about the trip was spending time with Andrew and observing people along the way. 

There was a girl on her way to Vancouver to catch a plane to go to China for a year with no plan at all of where to stay or what she was doing. We met a hispanic family with two small kids who were adorable. Then there were two small African girls who really enjoyed our dried apricots so much that they took our baggie of them, I was obviously fine with this because of their extreme cuteness. There was also a man that loved to make fun of how tall Andrew was (when he stood in the bus his head was pressed against the ceiling).

Pretty much a bus full of characters. 

Over all, the bus trip was worth doing. Now that I have done it I think I will stick to planes, especially because the bus really took a toll on my freshly chiropractored neck. 

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