God made fun. And boy did we experience it the other day. On Monday a group came in and wanted to do a field day with the Hope House kids... They had made up games for the kids to play for an allotted amount of time. The games not only involved jump ropes but balls and water... Needless to say I knew better... And so did every one else long term. After about fifteen minutes of playing a game with my group kids started to get restless and wanted to show the Americans what their idea of fun was. Things became madness. Water fights broke out, kids started jump roping crazy, and I was loving every second of it.

Not only did this experience show me how lame American kids are and how awesome Haitian kids are but it also showed me how amazing God is to be the creator of fun.

I got in a huge water fight with a couple kids... And Tex. We drenched each other and everyone else... Brianna even poured water on Brad, the president of MOH. She is a brave soul.

I cannot even begin to describe the feelings I have for these kids. I cannot wait to share their stories to everyone when I return to the states. They make me a better person. They challenge me with their spunk but also with the way they are on their faces for the Lord.

I never ever, ever want to leave here.

(This is a photo I took last night of my best friend at the Hope House, Misline, worshipping the Lord)

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