Today was my last morning with the mommies. They all had written me letters and stood in a line to give them to me and hug me and tell me they loved me. Needless to say, I cried.

These women they call "the mommies" are just that-- but so much more. These women are so often taken for granted. Teams come and go with a fixation on the children at the Hope House, don't get me wrong the kids need all the love that can be provided, but these women often get over looked.

They are each warriors in their own ways-- taking on the burdens of all the kids and putting on a brave face for them. If you visited the Hope House there is a chance that you would never even meet a mommy because they are so busy working to keep the house clean and to keep kids out of trouble.

These women are inspiring... Their undying love for God, children, and people is unfathomable. They have shown me more love in the past two months than all of the children have in a week-- and that is saying something.

Spend time in prayer for these women, for their super natural strength that only stems from the Lord, and their ability to make someone feel so deeply loved.

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