This weekend we went away. One of my classes had a retreat that consisted of driving way out into the country and just spending quality time with people.

I made a lot of new and good friends this weekend and had so much fun!!

There was a lot of down time and no curfew which was so nice.

We had several worship services. We had an unscheduled baptism fest where 13 people got baptized.

On Saturday night we overflowed the hot tub because practically everyone was in it. We all jumped in the pool and made a GIANT whirl pool, the biggest I have ever seen!! Then we tried going the other way and it was impossible. Crazy what people can do when they work together.

So now I am home. Sore. With a quiz tomorrow that I am not going to do well on because I have to know the names of all the Caribbean Islands which is impossible in my opinion.

Two weeks until I go home for Ava's wedding!

One Comment

  1. Your retreat sounds amazing! My retreat was too! :) TWO WEEKS!!!!


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