I've got this feeling of extreme thankfulness today.
I think God is teaching me so much about how blessed I am 
to be here, in this wonderful place, and how He orchestrated 
my path for such a time as this... 

I am so in awe of music. The soothing and healing power of such 
things and how we, humans, can make such a wonder that can 
restore emotion and provoke such thought. 

After my first counseling class today I am so thankful 
for God's design of community. How healing can come 
through the broken vessel of a fellow being. Such a wonder. To see 
a session take place and witness the power of words and the power
of a listening ear... it was truly a spiritual thing for me to witness. 

I am so thankful for great roommates and great friends here. 
I have never had such an amazing sense of wholesome community.
It is an amazing time in life to be surrounded by those who sharpen me so. 

It is officially fall and with it comes chilly weather, 
warm scarves, and pumpkin spice lattes. 
I honestly couldn't think of a place I would rather be. 
I am so thankful for Canada, for my school, for my friendships, for 
my classes, for the books I am reading, and for those who challenge me to be better.

I am absolutely blessed and truly joyful.

All of this because of Him.
He knew how my heart would be filled with such gratefulness in
this moment before I even knew who He was or what He had done for me. 
God has truly orchestrated my path perfectly and worked things together for my good.

One Comment

  1. Your soul is absolutely beautiful. I love you Abbs.


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