The people at MOH blow my mind daily in so many ways. They are each so great and make life here that much better. On top of bomb small groups we are having rad jam sessions pretty much every night and bomb snuggle parties. My fellow interns are such fun people and we are having so much fun together. We are all united for a common purpose of serving the Lord and glorifying His name, we all have a heart for missions... So it is inevitable that we would all be great friends.

We went out to Kayla's beach house on Saturday and Brianna and I had a great adventure involving a one person kyack and both of us shoved inside paddeling toward a Red Cross ship to go talk to the people. Needless to say we flipped over and were stranded out in the ocean. But we made it back with our mad survival skills and Brianna talking me through everything (I am a tad bit scared of water monsters...)

The Journey team is here! It is so great to see so many firmillar faces and have such great conversations.

God is so good.

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